Friday, July 30, 2010

here is where i store everthing....

So i've had a couple of request of pics of where I store everything. I have been blessed with a kitchen that has TONS of cabinets, so that's one place. After those were full, I had to get creative. And, thankfully outside of my bedroom i have a small storage place that majority of my health and beauty aid go, cleaning items, nonperishable foods, and I also have another fridge out there. I have a frdige and and small chest freezer in my kitchen(again blessed with an amazing kitchen! Since Wes has left I've only done small shopping trips and i can see that some items i'm depleting...and that's fine and great!!! I'm going to attempt to post all of my pics!!

I have been accused of hoarding...and that's fine. But when I know that I have enough Capri Suns to last my daughter everyday of the school year and it hasn't even started yet, and I only paid 7 CENTS a box on them...i say hoard away Renee hoard away. In the next couple of days I will post pics of my binder and explain where I get all of my coupons!! Have a great night!

Oh, and by the way, I've only been doing this for about a year!!

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